Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Since There's a Trend Already....

So, just a quick note. I've decided to start posting videos on YouTube. One thing that I've noticed is that when it comes to dance, I'm a robot. I'm given choreography, I process it in my brain, and I perform it closest to the exactness as I can. However, there is more to dance than that. I want to EXPRESS myself.  I want to find myself, lose myself, and depending how I'm feeling, find me again. So, to do this, I want to play with choreography. Now, I'm already doing this in a class here at NYU as well as many classes about it at ASU. But I want to do my own thing now. I LOVE music. Anyone who knows me well knows I need my ipod or I will die. So, I think I will just choose a song, spend maybe an hour choreographing something to it, and then video myself performing it. And then I'll realize how badly I performed that so I'll record it like two-three more times til it's do-able and then I'll post it to YouTube. I would NEVER want to post anything performance wise of mine to YouTube. But that is definitely one of my weaknesses. Who cares how poorly I perform?! Other than everyone viewing, probably including well known dancers, performers, maybe even celebs and talent agencies. But I'm just merely planning to express me and my wants, how a song moves me and playing with different genres (preferably stuff that's not lyrical. I tend to just stay in the lyrical zone.) Anyway, keep an eye out for that. There is a dance room in the basement of the dormitory here. I plan to check out about 2 hours or so in that space and do this maybe once a week. Just play. That's all. Wouldn't that be fun?! :D I'm excited. I get to dance whatever I want!!!!

1 comment:

  1. WONDERFUL IDEA! I will always watch. and you look wonderful in the videos I saw today so I think the more fun you have the even MORE BETTER (yes I said it) you'll look!
