Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Spring Break Madness: Part I

What a relief!! Spring Break is HERE. Friday night I ended up studying and taking half of a final in the library with Nate Henderson, a good friend of mine. Afterwards we went to a diner. He got a full on deli plate and I got a walnut sundae. YUM. Then he walked me home. I went to bed around 12:30 and I wish I went to bed earlier. I got up the next day and went to an audition around 11am. I knew I wouldn't get it because of my build. They were looking for younger, smaller, athletic builds. I was too tall and curvy I suppose. But it was a good audition nonethless. I felt like I did a good job. I need to learn how to do double pirouettes on pointe though. That was the only downside. I felt like I performed well and it was nice to not feel jealous or get other people in my way of performing. I just focused on myself. It was great. I came back and packed for D.C. and grabbed some food. I walked from 16th and 4thAve to 31st street and 8th ave with two REALLY heavy bags. THAT SUCKED. Hahahaha. I also had more drama with my roommates. They were upset that I left the dishes in the sink too long and I disrespected their stuff. So they made me go get my own dishware. I can't afford my own dishware and it only needs to last two months, which is so dumb. But I had to figure it out or I would be eating out for the rest of my stay here. With that drama up in the air, I got on the 5pm train to D.C. I pulled in around 8:30 and Nikki and Adam picked me up around 9pm. They were telling me about all of the cool sights as they drove me to their home, even though I already knew what they were. Hahaha. It was fun to hear some facts that I didn't know. We got to their home in Fairfax and we just ate a bit and chatted, getting to know each other. Nikkie is my first cousin once removed and she is almost 32 weeks pregnant with her first child. It's really exciting. We all went to bed around 2am. The next day, I woke up at 10:30am with church starting at 11!! I rushed to get my make up and change and we made it just as the opening hymn ended. WHEW. We enjoyed our three hours of church and the last hour I helped Nikki out with her primary kids. Then, we went home and made sandwiches, packed some chips and grapes and waited for Adam to come home. Then we drove to this park that was right between the Washington and Jefferson memorials. We had a pinic lunch, the three of us and their two dogs. It was a BEAUTIFUL day. Afterwards, we walked to the Jefferson memorial after realizing that none of us had been. It was quite a walk. I'm surprised Nikki did it being so pregnant. After that we went home. Adam took a nap because he didn't get a lot of sleep the night before and Nikki and I started watching "Coco Chanel". We paused halfway through to have breakfast for dinner and I made chocolate chip cookies. We finished the movie and went to bed once again around 2am. Monday, I slept in 'til around 10:30 again. Such a bad habit. Nikki had visiting teaching that day so I basically worked on homework and my english final. We went to Tyson's Corner, a HUGE mall, and saw "The Adjustment Bureau". We came back and talked some more and I finished my homework. I ended up watching 2 James Bond movies because I couldn't fall asleep before 2am!! Adam has a collection of 007. It makes me very happy. Tuesday morning I was up at 9:30 and ready by 10. Nikki took me to the Dollar Tree and I bought a mug, plate, bowl, stirring spoon, and baking sheet for $5. We went to Bed, Bath and Beyond and got silverware for $6. Hopefully this will resolve my stupid roommate issue. I've realized the stress from them makes me sick. Like, I literally don't feel well. Then, I went and got a manicure to help relax me. Then we rushed to the hospital for Nikki's ultrasound. Her baby is doing well. After that, they took me to the train station. I met up with Genoa Ward, a friend from NYC who was also visiting DC and we went to the space and flying section of the Smithsonian. We walked around a bit and after an hour, we went back to the station. He got a bus ticket and I went on my 5pm train back to NYC. I came home, switched out clothes, left my dishes, and left again to Charlye Dehart's dorm. We just got up and moving for the day, I spent the night, and we're baking and listening to Disney music today. :D We're going to Doughnut Plant because it's supposed to be amazing and I have to go before I leave the city. I leave for Philly tomorrow. Did you get all of that?! WHEW. It's a busy Spring Break but I'm enjoying it.

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