Monday, April 4, 2011

I'm Not Content with Where I Am.

There is SO much to talk about. General Conference being one of them, but I've decided as of now that I will talk about that later. It is currently 11:30pm on a Monday night and my right forearm is sore form golfing so this post shall be short. I wanna go to bed. Why is it that I never like where I am?? I always need to be somewhere else. I think that is one of the reasons why I like travelling so much. I get bored fast. Whenever I schedule something, I just want it to hurry up and get here already! Why can't I just enjoy what I'm in? It's frustrating. Like, for example, my first semester at ASU I was away from home, for a long time, by myself, for the first time ever. So I was calling my parents 7 times a day and crying because I wanted to go home. Then I did go home. And it was boring. Nothing was going on. No one was around. All of my friends were off at college or working, my parents were working, and Braden, my brother, went to school. When they got home, they were all busy doing homework, cooking dinner, and trying to get things done. I just kind of sat there. I went to dance classes as often as I could. But other than that, it was humdrum. So why did I want to go home so badly? The same here in NYC. There's times where I just want to go back to ASU and get my classes done and graduate. Since I'm not there, I want to be there. And because I'm complaining about missing out on stuff in AZ, I miss out on cool stuff here, like Justin Bieber performing live for free in Times Square!!! How could I miss that!? And then I get bitter about how I'm in the thick of things, where everything happens and where many people want to be, and I'm not participating in any of it! Ahhh! Why can't I just be grateful?! Hahaha. I am grateful. Today, I went with my friend, Hannah Wright, to her school classes. She's a dance major at Juilliard. It was AMAZING to watch. And she told me that we can get together and use the space there to practice. Uh, YES!! She's an amazing dancer, 10x better than I will ever be. She's beautiful, elegant, and an amazing friend. The rehearsal space we're using has 1 wall, a wall of windows, a wall of mirror, and another wall of windows overlooking Lincoln Center, with a perfect view of the NYC LDS Temple in view. It's beautiful.  I can't wait to practice with her. I'm going to work hard!! In addition, Danielle Pearson and I are planning to attend classes at Dance New Amsterdam, Alvin Ailey, and Cunningham, among others. I just hope I can afford it. There's still over half of my things to do on my "Shelby's Amazing New York To-Do List" before I go. Many many many things. The last week of April I am looking forward to, and yet I won't. Because I won't be here. In NYC. Go figure.

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